Thursday, June 19, 2008

Christa Tanella: I like her again!

I mean, i never didn't like her, i just thought that she didn't do much. I was wrong. I like her because she is happy with everything, she is just a super duper happy person. I mean, other gymnasts are happy too, but it doesn't matter what Christa does, she's happy that she's competing... and that make me happy. Insert-o el clip-o here-o:

Look it her! SHE"S PUMPED! I mean, that was a good vault and everything, but if nastia did that vault, her father would be tearing his hair out and not speak to her for a week. Now, i'm not saying they don't have a good 'relationship' or whatever, but he is always on edge and looks about ready to punch someone when Nastia messes up.

The Chow's just go "oh well, better luck next time" when shawn messes up. Nastia's dad makes it seem as if his life depended on her not messing up. If that was the case, he'd already be dead. Because messing up is like her forte. Along with winning an all around title with her bar score alone [what's her A-score now? a 20.5?] and royaling sucking at vault. [no offense or anything]

Yurchenko vaults were made for nastia though. I have always thought that if someone can do a amanar vault, then they should try a different entry, because after the amanar, it just gets scary. Shawny, why not try a handspring double front, then you can go to Beijing, and take the Vault finals and floor finals away from Alicia so she shoots you! And this time I don't mean with a paintball gun.

Alicia was PRETTY mad when shawn won floor event finals and not her at worlds. Too bad so sad. I'm not on anyone's side here, and i do want Alicia to win vault, but really? who's better at floor? I know all the Alicia fans are gonna say her, and the miley cyrus fan club backs shawn. So take it from someone who really isn't picking a side: it's Shawn. Actually, i would pick sam peszek if she would FRIGGIN POINT HER TOES!!!!

Honest to god, how do you get through elite gymnastics without pointing your toes once on a double pike??? Samantha and Chellsie can go run off and be BFF's for all I care just as long as they both POINT THEIR TOES.

Yeah that's right, I SAID IT! If miss Modest doesn't point her toes, i am excommunicating her like I did to chellsie [well, not as severe] that's my biggest pet peeve... that and bad jokes, but the point is: Point them!


Kathryn in NZ said...

Exactly - afterall in gymnastics it's rude NOT to point!

The Webmaster said...

Hey do you have that Christa's video? I would love to include that to her website.

email me at
