Thursday, June 5, 2008

Alicia Sacramone is definitely my new favorite.

And Chellsie is still me least. Listen to her blab for a bit while I gather my thoughts...

Day and Night she Talks, each word more useless than the next [that's from saturday night live if you didn't already know]

oh and by the way chellsie, did you really have a good training day? Would you like a pat on the back, round of applause? Maybe a cookie and some warm milk?

Moving on from my rage. Alicia Sacramone is my new favorite gymnast because...

she just used the word badass in an interview. FINALLY. one of these gymnasts isn't all goody goody and crap. Plus, she's pretty cool. She is a really BA... maybe even a BAMF! [dane cook reference, google it]

Last but not least, i'm pretty sure Shawn's got a new floor routine, observe:

Well, i hope that music inspires her all the way to a First Place finish because even though nastia is amazing and great, i still want Shwan to win.

In other news, Jordyn Weiber leads the all-around in juniors [no surprise] followed by Sam Shapiro [another huge shocker] coming in third? Cassie Whitcomb [am i a psychic or what?]

But we still got one more day, and my guess for the top 5?

Jordyn, Sam Shapiro, Cassie, Kamerin, Amanda Jetter and Asi Peko [only seen her once in the 2006 Level 10 Nationals, new elite]

Peace out girl scout, updates on Senior Nats Coming Tonight!

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