Okay first off: you DO NOT EVER steal my montages! any part of them used without permission with require me to virtually shoot you. [okay well i can't do that, but i'll be angry]
oh, and this entire entry will be written with intense sarcasm unless specified otherwiseI am now starting an ongoing segment entitled:
LITTLE KIDS WHO CAN'T MAKE MONTAGEShere's the deal-- Mileycyrus990 is one of those weird Disney freaks who enjoy making montages of Miley Cyrus mouthing words and dancing with Lily while High School Musical music plays in the background.
Whatever, i don't care. I am only 15, and i am guilty of watching quite a bit of disney channel myself, but thats not the point
Moving on --->so anyway, this 'Mileycyrus990' girl starts making montages of Shawn Johnson on youtube because if there is a cross over from Disney--- to gymnastics, its through the wonderful bridge of Shawn Johnson. Most of those disney freaks make montages of only her in addition to their other disney escapades.
'Mileycyrus990' decides she doesn't want to make her own montage. She will just download other peoples and throw them together and hope the original owners don't notice when she gets praised for slapping me and charloadams hard work together. Guess what... I NOTICED!
So i made a comment, if she hadn't of deleted it, you could've read it, but this is what it said:
"if you watch this video at 1:07 to 1:24 and then watch my video that's attached to it at 2:30 to 2:51 then you will see that they are the same exact thing, now i don't know if thats a coincidence or not, but please don't steal my montages. And please at least credit me. "she maturely responded with this quaint note:
shuuuuuttt upppp!"and then proceeded to message me with another compellingly complex letter reading:
"SHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT UUUUUUUUUPPPPPP!"i love the way she expresses her feelings, she's so... deep.
then she felt it was neccesary to again, express how much i was "being mean" [reference what i said at first to make sure you see how much of a bitch i was being] and wrote me another note on my other montage:
"Hate it tottally copied "
yes indeed, i am a hugely hypacritical jerk who copied someone else's montage
[not]i responded with a little note of frustration:
"i'm so glad you hate it! because i'm very happy that you go around trashing my videos because i caught you using parts of my montages! i wasn't even mad before. now i am. anyone can ask charloadams, I DID NOT COPY HER. she is totally on my side. So, shut your mouth "
again, this girl who truly had a deep and powerful mind thought carefully about her words and told me this:
"shut your own duh blah blah blah"[i personally thought her 'duh blah blah blah' part stung the most]but i lived, i cried for hours on end thinking to myself: "HOW COULD I GET OVER THE FACT THAT SHE TOLD ME TO SHUT MY OWN??" it was a terrible question to answer. Luckily, gymnasticsbabie ran to my aid:
"what the hell??? this montage isn't even close to charlotte's/charloadams... or if it is why the hell would cccam ever copy it?? cccam is a great montage maker why would she ever NEED to copy someone's montage, unlike you. please i've said it before: do not leave discusting comments that are totally not needed. it just pisses me and everyone else off. there are ways of expressing your opinions in a normal civilized way. grow up.. "
yay! i love gymnasticsbabie, and not just because she's an amazing gymnast!
Mileycyrus990 (resorting to her tribal instincts) decided to use a couple of comments to sting me in the heart:
"You are a A.J.A" [i still don't know what that means, some disney term im guessing]
and with a double commment she added:
"I will never give credit to u this is so WIerd AND LOL LOL LOL u are the brat here and OMG OMG OMG u aRE A....#$%*%%% lETS JUST SAY SOMETHING ELSE HUH duh>>>>!!!!!!!!!!"
at this point, she's getting painfully harder to understand with all her fancy lettering and what not.
i thought i would let her know a few more things:
"um, did you just use signs to friggin swear at me? yeah im guessing your about 12 years old. oh and by the way, i could careless if you give me credit now. you took my montage obviously because you can't make your own. which means you liked mine and everyone elses that you used. "
What I say will be in MAGENTA and what she says will be in Yellow
"CRAP u are a fricken little spoiled brat u little butt head i feel like im arguing w/ a 8 year old about candy bring it on little girl bring it the fight is on.... "
"haha thats very nice, no im actually 15. and i dont want to fight you. it doesn't even matter how old you are because you are acting like a two year old. Why the hell do you want to fight me just cuz you stole my stuff?"
"no hun im not kidding w/ u hunny because my momma is so in ur face and in ur u know what"
"don't call me hun you bitch... okay im not gonna swear at you anymore cuz you are obviously about 12 years old so i would appreciate you not commenting back. i will be the bigger person here even though i did nothing wrong"
"u bitch dont stop talkin im ready to fight fists up chin up and im ready to fight like a tiger <-- wait... hold up, did she just say she was going to quote: 'fight like a tiger'? haha okay go on-->bring it on....more to come"
"OH MY GOSH! you learned a new swear word! good for you!"
I closed with this statement:
"mileycyrus990, did you block me? are you seriously kidding me? your steal part of my montage, and you block me? you could've just said sorry and credited me, and then i would've given you my shawn vids so you could make your own. wow! you screwed yourself over with that one"
more to come, because i know your on the edge of your seats [not]
no but seriously, she didn't stop there