Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sam Peszek: Modest Much?

Don't get me wrong... Samantha Peszek is awesome. I think people really ignore the fact that she can also do a double double [def. not as good as shawn's but still] But, when you are not the BEST in the world you don't get to go around saying how good you get treated and how you're a little spoiled at your school. I'm just saying, if you're not the best, just don't do it. It makes you seem like you have an attitude.

Moving On!
And no matter how many people say that shawn puts on a "stupid fake smile" i will never believe it because
A) what's the point?
B) She was just a regular gymnast overwhelmed with being on TV and then all the sudden WAH BAM!!! Elfi Schlagel and gang hit her with a giant stamp on her forhead that says: NEVER LET ANYONE ELSE GET ANY ATTENTION EXCEPT FOR HER!

now nastia is upset because she's not in the spotlight and all the viewers are upset because all we ever see is shawn and her cute smile. I understand how that smile could turn into a "stupid, fake" one to some people after awhile.

My point is: don't blame shawn, blame elfi... and if it's absolutely neccesary you have my permission to blame chellsie. I don't know what for though yet. Don't worry i'll think of something.


gymnasticsbabie said...

No don't blame Elfi, blame Al!! He's the one thats so freakin ridiculous. Calling Nastia the "Chosen One" back in 05. give me a break...

cccam said...

yeah i hate Al and Elfi, but i hate elfi more. I wish bart connor did NBC commentation not just WCSN