Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Life Is Complete, I Can Die Now!

she is my favorite gymnast besides Shantessa Pama and relatively unknown and she is amazing and she won!!!

That doesn't mean she will do too good at Nationals because none of the big names were at the Classic [Nastia, Shawn, Jana, Darlene, Shayla, Sam, Ivana or Bridget Sloan] But that doesn't mean she won't do good because now she's got to be PUMPED! i know i am.
OMG! They might even show her on TV!!!!
OMG! I'm def making a montage on her!!!

She is MY dark horse of the Olympics.

Speaking of Mattie Larson...

WTF?!?!? Mattie Larson?
If you are a first time senior you should go to the Classic. It should be mandatory or something. You're supposed to try out the competition first. DUH!

How do you think you're gonna stand up to the big girls? Chellsie is ENORMOUS in my opinion and it would be very unfortunate to get hit by her or her take you out with one of her legs while she's throwing another double pike with her legs NOT TOGETHER. [seriously they should just give chellsie a 0.00 if her legs aren't together]

Anyway, Ashley's AA score was a 58.250
yeah so what if Jordyn Wieber could beat you with only one arm? You did "your best" so this is my prediction for Nationals:

1. Shawn Johnson - 62.700 [idk i'm just estimating]
2. Nastia Liukin - 62.500 [taking in the "US competition" weighted scores]
3. Jana Bieger - 61.900
4. Shayla Worley - 61.500
5. Samantha Peszek - 60.300
6. Ivana Hong - 59.400
7. Mattie Larson - 59.100
8. Ashley Stott - 58.600
9. Ashley Priess - 58.100
10. Bridget Sloan - 57.900

YO! i'm done

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