Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Definiton Of "All-Around"

There is an all-around champion... and there's my definition of an all around champion.

First of All let me say this:


and before all you "i would bomb a city if nastia said to" people start threatening me let me say this:

Nastia is an amazing gymnast. She is a goddess of beam and the queen of bars since 2005. [i'm pretty sure she's the queen] but, the fact that she can up her a score to a 7.7 on bars [the highest scoring event and highest A score event for almost all gymnasts] and supply only sustainable scores on vault and floor means two things:

1) holy freakin crap i can't believe your attempting a 7.7 start value [is that legal in texas?]

2) you're not an all-around gymnast.

if you don't get what i'm saying then let me put it in plan terms

Beam: Check

Bars: Double Check

Vault: ugh fine

Floor: sustainable because of dance

just because she can score insanely high on two events and get moderatley low scores on the other two to even it out DOESN'T MAKE YOU AN ALL AROUND GYMNAST

Exhibit B:

Shawn Johnson <--- the real deal

seriously. The Hardest Vault in the World
The Hardest Beam Dismount in the World
The Hardest Bar Dismount in the World
The Hardest Tumbling Pass in the World

Um... i'm sorry but if that doesn't scream "good at all-around" to you i don't know what does
and i'm not neccesarily saying she should win. I'm just saying if she loses, i hope its to an


i'm out- peace


Anonymous said...


Kayleigh said...

I totally agree with you! Nastia irks me. :S

Rick McCharles said...

As a coach and fan, I much prefer Nastia.

But when you are right, you are right. Shawn is an all-arounder in the old sense of the world. And by far the favourite to win the Olympics.

Anonymous said...

I do like Nastia, but I actually kind of have to agree on this. If she doesn't up her difficulty on vault and floor, I don't think they should use her as an AA contender in Beijing. I think they should use her as a specialist. Shawn is a definite for the AA, and we'll just have to see who else they use. Alicia, maybe?

cccam said...

thanks for agreeing, the only thing i have to say is how its not fair to the rest of the REAL all-arounders to have to compete with someone who really is completely over the top amazing at two events. but i'm not gonna start the "it's not fair" arguement anymore because i guess... life's not fair grrr

gymnasticsbabie said...

okay everyone knows that I'm a HUGE nastia fan and i really don't like shawn.

and its hard for me to admit this...butttt your definitely right about this.. which is slightly depressing, because i really want nastia to win.

what does everyone think about jade and steliana as all arounders??

Bleh said...

ok, I know what you're saying, but I have to say that Nastia isn't just sustainable on floor

She does a 6.1 floor routine, and if that's not enough to be considered "All-around worthy" that means Shawn wasn't in 2007

vault, I agree, it's not enough

hopefully she gets that DTY consistent

gymgirliexo said...

OMG. gymnasticsbabie doesn't like shawn but likes nastia better?
Shawn is definitely better. I mean i like Nastia and all but Shawn just comes out of nowhere and bam shes amazing. lol.

gymnasticsbabie said...

but thats exactly what i hate about shawn. she came out of nowhere and bam she was all of the sudden everyone's heros and the "it girl" and the "best thing that ever happend to gymnastics". like what kind of messed up crap is that!?
reminds me of a highschool freshman..

but anyways a "hero" to me is someone whos been through the good times AND THE BAD. i feel like as soon as the next big thing comes in and beats shawn, that girl will be the next "best thing that happend to gymnastics" and the girl will be everyone's "heros"

no, I will AlWAYS like nastia more than shawn. she's been through everything and anything. injury, scrutiny, and plenty of losses. but she remains a beautiful gymnast. i just can't say that yet about shawn

I want to see her after all of those hardships (and no i don't count any of the hardships she had in 2007 because she still won everything...its hard for me to feel sorry for someone that won 3 gold medals, give me a break)

cccam said...

dudes.... chillax my heros in the sport are neither shawn nor nastia. francly nastia is an amazing gymnast but i don't like her. i just don't. and i understand what your saying, but gymnasts like shawn PHYSICALLY can't stay along in this sport. when your relying on your power, you are going to get serverely warn out severely fast. my hero is Shantessa Pama for her originality

Anonymous said...

You forgot to add that she won a SILVER MEDAL on FLOOR at 05 Worlds. And all the things you mentioned about Shawn are all acrobatic elements. Yes, it is a big part of the sport but definitely not most of it. I mean where are Shawn's 180 degree splits on beam and artistic value on Floor? That to me is the most important part of gymnastics.

Yes, I agree Nastia does have some weaknesses, but she can do a really nice 1.5 Yurchenko, a front full double full, double front, back 1.5 punch rudi, and a back 2.5 twist on floor. I mean those are some pretty hard elements even in today's standard.

deathblessme said...

i completly agree! nastia definatly deserves to win bars and beam. mut its not really fair when she gets a gold medal with mistakes on floor or vault where someone like shawn gets second with good consistant scores on everything.

Gymchamp said...

I see what you are saying but still, I am a huge nastia fan. And I see what you are saying and i semi agree. I see hwat you are saying but still...

Nastia does need help on her vault, but her floor isn't that easy itself. Combination tumbling is very challenging! Trust me =p (I'm a male gymnast and competed as a level 9 last year)

Anyway nastia's floor doesn't lack in my opinion besides the double front... But her vault does =/

KarenLovesGymnastics said...

I definitely disagree. A G element in all your apparatus doesn't really make you an all around gymnast.

Actually, Nastia scores insanely high in bars and beam, AND she almost has the same SV as Shawn and floor, AND vault is Shawn's only real edge to Nastia.

Look, I think both are overrated because:

A: Nastia does NOT dance and her excution is not as amazing as everyone says
B: Shaw is dull. She just has no expression (I don't consider her smile an expression, it's more like a second face xD) and she's just not as dominant as NBC says.

but I'm just telling like it is with slight bias because I don't like Shawn.