Sunday, November 2, 2008


OKay, what the hell is audio swap? and why do i have to swap the audio of my montage? Excusemoi? I'm purty sure we make montages so they go with the song. Swaping the freaking audio is guy. Back off Kanye west... back off!

Okay so this is what happened: I got a message that says that i have to swap the audio of my one montage because it has been tagged as copyright infringement of the song (stronger by kanye west)

How gay is that?? reh-healy gay that's how gay. Like Tim Daggat Gay
Anyone else having these audioswap problems?
Digame (talk to me)

-Screw you Kanye West- [just kidding]


Anonymous said...

I've NEVER had that problem. Are you sure it wasn't spam or something? probably wasn' sorry! That is gay!

gymnastics887 said...

oh yea! that happened to me! It STINKS! but in the end I didn't have to change the audio I just had to let them put ads all over my video.....which is also pretty bad. but not as bad. I hope it all works out for you!

citycriticscast said...

crap, that sucks, if I were you I would just leave it and see if they actually do anything. BTW gay is not a synonym for stupid.

chachakid said...

I've had 3 montages taken down because of audio content in one week!