Monday, June 9, 2008

Ugh, Gag Me with a Spoon.

Day and Night She Talks... Each word More useless then the next.

The main reason I showed this is because the little cuti Skylar Memmel is in it for about a half a second. Wait a minute, isn't this supposed to be about family? It seems sometimes like the other Memmel children are treated poorly and Chellsie is their Golden Child [or next Jesus according to =] ]

Well, I like Skylar better. It's a fact that will never change Chellsie. Never Ever.

In other News, Um... girls at Championships, WHAT'S WITH THE PINK?

Seriously Nastia, Pink on both days? The first leo was okay but the second looked like that little Magenta dog from Blue's Clues threw up on you. I'm not a big fashion person, and I don't hate the color pink, but in excessive amounts it may cause vomitting. No seriously, read the label on any Pink Leotard Package. There's a big warning sign on the tag. Yeah, but she wore pink at worlds, and Pacific Rim's and now Nationals. I know everyone says you're like a ballerina but don't let it go to your head.... jerk. [just kidding nastia] please don't sache around me and fall on me during your double front!

Speaking of double front's: nastia's annoys me because she cowboys it soooo bad, but I absolutley positively LOVE Ivana's. It's P to the E to the R.... FECT. and beautiful.


Anonymous said...

guess wut?? nastia double front is going to beijing and ivana's is NOt haaaaaaaa

No Longer Newlyweds. said...

hi. i'm new to your blog. i love it. i'm a former gymnast..who keeps a tight leash on the sport. i'm addicted. aren't we all?!?! i watched the nationals on tv this week and was really disappointed in the footage. they only showed the big 4 (memmell, alicia, shawn and nastia) really. oh..i also HATE memmell. i mean, come on..put some make-up on for goodness sakes. you are on TV!! fix your hair. get some highlights or something. look presentable like everyone else.

Unknown said...

don't fall on me during your double front


cccam said...

to christi9103, no need to be rude about it, i was just joking, and what gives you the right? ivana has a chance. and besides, Nastia's BAR routne is going to beijing.
to porter&sara: thanks! someone agrees with me that chellsie is stupid!
to meghan: haha thanks!

deathblessme said...

ivana has a really good chance for beijing! what was she 5th at nationals? shes quite consistant and shes one of the best to watch! her double front is awesome! i like ivana better than nastia personally

Anonymous said...

ccam, i said haaaaaaaa which implies lol which implies jk. what gives you and not others the right to be funny?

and not to be mean, bu anyone who knows anything about our gymnasts knows that ivana hong's best chance is as an alternate. im not trying to be rude. i love her style but her scores will not make us competitive with the chinese

cccam said...

christi9103, sorry, but your comment sounded a little taunty. like "haha you're wrong" and it didn't really come off funny to me. sorry! it just seemed like you were trying to say that Ivana didn't even have a chance. and your right, i don't think she will make the team, but she can at least try. And you are right, but i enjoy giving gymnasts with as much style as ivana, the benefit of the doubt which is: that she's got a chance. I feel bad for the kid, and we've got enough people around here defending nastai, so i get defensive when I make fun of "the queen" and someone says something about it.

colinmaceachern said...

"to christi9103, no need to be rude about it" i must say when i seen this i roared for about an hour straight! Funny you should say that when you are by far the rudest person ever. your comment are just way over the top and they cross the line! and i know your only comeback is they are a joke and why do you read my blog then like bi you know everybody who says something about your blog in a negative way(towards you) you know there right so you are just like why do you read my blog then

cccam said...

to colinmaceachern: Yeah, they are probably right. when anyone says anything negatively towards me they are right. i am rude and obnoxious. I don't really care that much though. This was a miss understanding. I thought she was taunting ivana hong. and besides the fact that I make fun of no one except chellsie memmel [and christa tanella but i take that back]and even her I complement for being a good bar worker. My only comments back are "don't read it" and "i'm joking" because its the truth! I REALLY AM joking. I may not like chellsie memmel, but don't think for one minute that I don't respect her for what she has done for this sport and for the USA gymnasts.