Sunday, March 23, 2008

Why little children don't get sarcasm:

"YO I LOVE IT IM LIKE THE WHOLE STAR OF THE SITE .YAH!!!!ITS LIKE AWESOME!!you are lucky I gave credit to you.YOur just trying to pull a whole lot of crap!!JUST SHUT UP AND GET OVER IT.BETTER YET CRY A RIVER AND BULID A BRIGE AND GET OVER IT....DUH A.J.A yah you better post this on your site yah!!LOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOL you are so retarid if you dont know what A.J.A is.OH well that does sound like you though.AND OMG YOU CRYED FOR A WHOLE DAY! LOL! CRY BABY!!WA WA WA WA"

i'm sorry it's so difficult to read, but Mileycyrus990 thinks that i actually did cry for hours at night, and i actually was hurt by what she said. Oh well, she's stupid and is really bad at spelling. I don't think i'll post much more on her because she just wants attention, and i would hate to give her any of that.

after all, she is only in 3rd grade. girl's like that have other things to do like:
1) vote for the kid's choice awards
2) watch hannah montana
3) learn the high school musical choreography
4) keep believing that one day their dreams can come true
5) after all, they still need more time to steal my montages

and if your reading mileycyrus990, HI! HOW ARE YOU?!? luv ya!


chachakid said...

HAHA This one gave me a HUGE smile!
Seriously, this chick is lucky that you guys are arguing on the internet. Had it been in real life, i hope her head would get smashed! I would personally fly to America and assist you = ) LOL

cccam said...

haha thanks! yeah she's really lucky. because there are a whole bunch of people who would love to hit her in real life!

gymnasticsbabie said...

CCCAM!! you forgot do the sing-a-long Highschool musical!! man how could you!?

and mileycyrus... wtf is a retarid? how about cryed? and WHAT THE HELL IS A.J.A. no one knows what that is!!! and i'm sorry im not in the first grade so i don't know your slang terms.

oh and how about we try and speak english?