Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Official Release of the: ICGURM

Okay so wait in line to be part of my amazing club Entitled:

ICGURM: International Club of Good UnRecognized Montagers

Okay well the title isn't catchy... at all, but still.
Anywho, guidelines to being in this club are as follows:

1) you have to make montages
2) they have to be semi-decent [this will be voted on by chair peeps]
3) you have to be classified as "unrecognized"
which means that you can't have more than 5 montages over 10,000 views.

since i've never had a montage of 10,000 views, this pends no problem to me [still some hard feelings about that]

anyway, there will be two other chair people in this club [if they choose to be super nice and except]
they would be:



gymnasticsbabie said...

oh sweet,yay i accept! haha... what do i do? lol

cccam said...

haha, yes! [that was an evil laugh lol] i have no clue yet but don't worry, i'll figure it out!

gymnastics887 said...

Could I join this club?