Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chellsie Memmel: Friggin 'Flips Out'

okay, if you didn't absolutely laugh for about 10 minutes after seeing this video then there is something wrong with you.

i would rather shoot myself in the ovaries than take lessons on how to do a backhandspring from chellsie memmel.
okay.. well maybe i wouldn't take it as far as shooting myself in the ovaries. that could be potentially problematic if i ever want to have kids... okay lets say I would rather shoot my sister in the ovaries. That works. I doubt she'll be using them anytime soon anyway. And besides there are lots of kids in the world in need of adoption.

well i got a little off track. allow me to get myself back on it.. okay i'm good.
so, chellsie starts out the video trying to amaze us "non-talented athletes" by doing a simple layout that any of the 5 year old teammates could throw after one week in a gym.
well big whoop. I'm not going to be disguised by your smile and 'happy go lucky' attitude Ms. Memmel. No, i am smarter than that.

So she continues to talk condesendedly to us about how to do a correct backhandspring.

I think her backhandsprings suck
well not the BHS in the video of course but when she's actually tumbling and stuff, they are so ugly. [i am just not a fan of her body type in a leo... scuzzy]
really, i have no problem with her body type, but i don't like it in a leotard. it gives me nigtmares.
anywho, she continues to show us steps to a backhandspring and as she is doing so, she is raising the rate of backhandspring-related-fatalities in America.
And she calls herself a role model.
Moral Of The Story: If you are trying to learn a backhandpring, learn it from a coach, not from Ms. Chellsie Memmel.

1 comment:

the flawed superhero said...

personally I think the most offensive part of Ms. Memmel's video is her atrocious accent.